Genre: non-fiction / Documentary film
Année: 1963
Durée: 00:25:00 mins
Description: The production of sheet steel at the Ravenscraig and Gartcosh Works of Colvilles Ltd. Lanarkshire. Ravenscraig steel works produced steel in many forms - to make cars and desks, bridges and ships for worldwide markets.
Mots-clés: documentary / sponsored / Forth River / Lanarkshire / Construction and Engineering / Employment, Industry and Industrial Relations / Forth River / Science and Technology / Transport / Films of Scotland and Colvilles Ltd. (Sponsor)
Fournisseur: National Library of Scotland
Droits: In Copyright
Société de production: Templar Film Studios
Couleur: Colour
Director: Laurence Henson
Sound: With sound
Type de document:
Language: en